Seamless Integration of Driivz with ERP for Enhanced Charge Point Management

A prominent Charge Point Operator (CPO), approached Metergram with a complex challenge. They wanted to integrate their Charging Station Management System (CSMS), Driivz, with their existing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. This integration was crucial for streamlining billing, accounting, and invoicing processes, and enabling enhancements in operational efficiency, customer service, and strategic decision-making.
Seamless Integration of Driivz with ERP for Enhanced Charge Point Management


The primary challenge was developing an integration solution that not only facilitated seamless communication between the Driivz CSMS and the ERP system but also ensured data integrity, consistency, and the addition of complex business logic not supported natively by Driivz. The solution had to be scalable, robust, and capable of providing a real-time operational view, all while enhancing transparency and traceability within the CPO's operations.


The solution involved the deployment of a bespoke integration layer designed to act as a conduit between Driivz and the ERP system. This layer was engineered to support bidirectional data synchronization, ensuring that data from the charging stations could be accurately reflected in the ERP for billing, invoicing, and reporting purposes, and vice versa.

To address the diversity of data formats and ensure seamless data flow, the integration layer included comprehensive data mapping and transformation capabilities. This ensured that information from Driivz could be translated into the format required by the ERP system without any loss of fidelity or detail.

Furthermore, to extend the functionality of the CSMS beyond its out-of-the-box capabilities, we embedded additional business logic into the integration layer. This involved several key innovations:

  • Advanced Data Handling: We implemented an intermediate storage solution to house data fetched from Driivz, enabling complex data processing and statistics calculations, such as location clustering. This allowed us to provide clustered location data to customer-facing apps, enhancing user experience by presenting information more efficiently.
  • Event-Driven Notifications: Recognizing the limitations of traditional webhooks, we employed a sessionized service bus for real-time, event-driven notifications, ensuring immediate and reliable delivery of critical information.
  • BillingTX Management: To address the comprehensive needs around billing transactions, we developed a specialized service that could handle, transform, and present BillingTX data for various stakeholders, supporting both operational and strategic objectives.
  • Kickback and Revenue Sharing Calculation Service: For specific business requirements like kickback calculations, we introduced a dedicated service, ensuring these calculations were accurately and efficiently managed in line with the CPO's financial strategies.
How we did it?
How we did it?



This project exemplified how custom integration solutions could significantly extend the capabilities of existing CPMS platforms to meet and exceed business needs. By focusing on areas such as event-driven notifications, advanced data processing, and specific financial functionalities, we delivered a solution that was not only tailored to the CPO's current requirements but also adaptable to future changes and challenges. 

Seamless Integration of Driivz with ERP for Enhanced Charge Point Management
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